Sunday, May 07, 2006

Pink Pet

Neopets: Wee!! I just adopted a pink kougra from the pound!! It's so cute and rare. Got my avvie from it :

My dream avvie, Muackz!! Also, I got 2 cybunnies the past few days, looks like alot of people are pounding cybunnies.. and also, Friday is hissi day, I made a hissi from my side, I think hissis are quite ugly.

Argh!! I lost my dear little AgainstSpam!! A glowing Hissi!! *cries*, I was trying to trasfer it to my side because I wanted to adopt a purple pet from another account, I was ready with the Quick Adopt Link and neopoints, but I'm using Internet Explorer to pound and Firefox to adopt, I've never fail trasfering before, but I don't know how an idiot fellow got my AgainstSpam, with a plushie petpet. Maybe Firefox don't work for Quick adopt link. *Sobs*.. AgainstSpam is a Painted & LE & with a petpet attached pet! I wasted 150k on it.. and now it's gone!!!

Idiot, tomorrow is mathematics, wish that I can pass, maths is getting more and more difficult, worst of all, I did not pay attendtion in school. And I didn't even revised a word. Looks like N/A classes are really bad, although we learn almost the same as express classes, but the pupils (boys) are really naughty or even bad. They scold bad words every single day. I felt that I'm also abit like them already, but at least I could correct myself not to be like them, you know.. vulgar languages are #1 offence in the school rules..

Heh.. Just came back after a short swim in the boring swimming pool of woodsvale. Before that, I had a great big problem with that stupid goggles. It was spoiled by Shi Jie few years ago and my mum did not buy me any new goggles because I had not swim for years. So, I took out my dad's goggles (the string) and try to stuck it into the black one I'm going to use, because my dad's digree is about 800, it will be all blur if I wear it. That took me about half an hour and finally with some rubber bands, I managed to fix it.

I'm watching the Liu Doctor's speaking. He mention that, teenagers should sleep before 11pm. Then my mum keep nagging, calling me to listen, but she herself can't even do that! And that Liu said, if we don't have enough time to do study, sleep at 9pm and wake up at 3am ! Oh, that's a good idea, but it sounds weird. He says, can wake up early but cannot sleep late. Oh well, maybe I should listen to him.

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