Thursday, June 08, 2006

C.O sucks?

GRR.. I was posting halfway and I don't know how my spooky finger pressed the 'power' button and made me gotta restart and lost ALL my unsaved stuffs! That's why I hate this keyboard to core, it's hard to press and with these stupid buttons. Ok, just now, I was chatting with Jorine and You You, Jorine told me that Monday (5 June), only 1 people came for the C.O pratice, there's supposed to be six (plus me). I had told my seniors that I'm going oversea for almost a month, and Shi Hui was told to quit C.O, Jorine and Wei Xin are skipping lessons? OMG, what the heck is this? And the strange thing was, I had told Felicia that I'm going oversea and now other seniors are calling me, but of couse I didn't pick up, I'M HERE. Then, when I go back to School, are they gonna kill me for not going for C.O pratice?? Well yes, I didn't hand in the parent letter that's needed because I WAS SICK!! Oh well, I've enough reasons but it's sad to hear that, Jorine and Wei Xin wanted to quit C.O, I don't think C.O is that bad, it's fun!!

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