Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Another school day

I was sleeping halfway and I found my mum disappeared from our bedroom, then I ran out, she's watching world cup *faints* and she was yay-ing like mad lol, because she guessed Italy would win Germany and the results is 2:0, I'm too tired and I went back to sleep. I woke up later and reached school. Nothing much, only maths teacher didn't come and no chinese lessons today, oh yeah, there was D&T, that indian teacher started to get ferocious.... I don't even know how I'm gonna survive for the future lessons and that Jun Cheng act like so good, do all the stuffs at home while everyone did in school, and teacher praise him, let see next time will he get scoldings. Later was Literature, my group had been told to compose a tune for the lyrics in the animal farm book, c'mon, we're just students not composer, and we hopped to the corridor to discuss. The boys were chatting and laughing, they tried to sing but.. just the first line and they burst into laughter, and they continued their nonsense. By the way, a tune was not even needed, because it'll be off-key and it'll become NO TUNE. Of couse we didn't composed because there was no time left. Next lesson was History followed by the computer lesson and no more. I was flaming when I was waiting 965 bus with my friends, don't know how many 800s and 811s buses came and that 965 was still taking its own sweet time. We waited for half an hour and 965 finally came, everybody was cursing and the driver was still calling us to 'SQUEEZE' in a very rude manner, I feel like suing SMRT.

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